Construction of subfloorsSubfloors are laid out as filler mass, at workplaces also know as moulded subfloors. NFM are experts in supply and construction of moulded subfloors for use at new constructions and renovation. Our products are used for apartments, offices and public institutions in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Construction takes place with cement and plaster based thin plaster products with and without floor heating and step sound suppression installed in the floor. After the set one has a solid and leveled surface, which is ready for the floor that is to be mounted afterwards.

NFM’s Own Products

NFM itself produces it’s foam concrete and thin plaster products. By doing so, we can offer a wide range of cement and plaster based products, when a floor is to be moulded. At NFM, amongst others, we offer quickly drying cement based thin plaster products with and without fiber. Therefore, you will always find a product, when a strong and stable floor or adjustment is required. For large construction projects we supply subfloors as float mortar that is pumped out at the workplace by help of our special pump cars. See more about our products and their qualities under Product Information.

Process of construction of subfloors

Moulded subfloors with floor heating plates and step sound suppressing

NFM’s moulded floor solutions with installed floor heating plates or sound mats provide an efficient and environment conscious construction.  Sound mats with diverse opportunities for suppression is a solution offered by NFM. Use of NFM floor heating plates that efficiently combine with heat isolation and step sound suppression, is another solution.  Both types of solutions ensure for the floor to have a solid strength and long durability. See more about NFM floor heating plates and step sound suppression in the main menu under “Floor Heating Plates”.

Contact us and hear more about our moulded subfloors

Please feel welcome to contact us, if your company would like to know more about NFM’s moulded subfloors. Also, please feel welcome to contact us, if you would like to receive an offer on supply of your construction or renovation projects.  Our several year experience in management of complex production projects enables us to provide you with professional advice.

Last updated: 2 September 2018